USACE Utility Relocations and Electrical Design for PR-2 Bridge Replacement over Rio De La Plata
The Río de la Plata basin is located about 11 miles west of San Juan and drains approximately 240 square miles. Heavy rainfall combined with the steep headwater slopes causes frequent flooding in the towns of Dorado, Toa Baja, and Toa Alta. The recommended plan provided a 100-year protection upstream of PR Highway 2 and SPF protection downstream. Project features consisted of 7.0 miles of channel improvements, 7.6 miles of levees, the replacement of 3 bridges, recreation facilities, and mitigation for the loss of environmental habitats. The Water Resources Development Act of 1990 authorized this project.
CSA performed services as the Designer of Record (DOR) for the electrical and telecommunications relocation in support of the project. This consisted of providing power to the new nearby intersection traffic signals, including the design of electrical and communication line relocations along the current PR2 alignment. In addition, it provided power to the new traffic signals, the photometric analysis and electrical design of bridge and roadway lighting, as well as temporary construction roadway lighting.