The earth is an incredible miracle that survives on a precarious and delicate balance between its occupants and its physical self. It is likely the only miracle in the universe. We, the current caretakers of the earth, have the critical responsibility of protecting this treasure while we are borrowing it from future occupants. While the planet has so much to give, the yield is not infinite, and the natural balance can be permanently disrupted with unknown consequence.
How great an influence anthropomorphic activity has had, and the consequence of this activity can be debated, but no matter where we are at the moment, it is incumbent upon all of us to serve as the respectful guardians of this precious resource. Individuals, corporations, and governments all need to participate in a positive way in this stewardship roll. CSA and our team of professionals commit to making the world a better place and keep that goal in focus while we conduct our lives and our business.
To demonstrate CSA’s commitment, our environmental team will be showcasing a lunch-n-learn on how we endeavor to enhance the environment and protect everyone’s health and safety – one of CSA’s guiding principles. This effort will kick off multiple activities supporting this initiative.
Let us join as caretakers of our planet, one home or office at a time. Do you know that we can individually make a difference in the quality of our environment by taking small different actions in our daily lives? We wanted to share the following websites, and you may have others to share with us!
You may also want to transcend your home. Join an environmental group in your community or support their efforts! Here is a great link to get involved:
Working together we can ensure that future generations across the millennia will have the benefits this awesome and inspiring resource provides us today. Restore our earth and make every day earth day!